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Following open-heart surgery, patients must apply firm pressure to protect the sternal wires and stitches every time they cough, laugh, or sneeze. It's painful!
Here at The Cardiac Bear, we offer a unique and heartwarming solution for post-surgical care in heart procedures - Cardiac Bears! Our Cardiac Bears were developed with the help of cardiologists and critical care nurses designed to provide comfort, support, and a source of joy for patients recovering from heart surgeries.
These adorable bears are crafted with care and feature a cute customizable Dr. Scrub outfit complete with a mask. Our Cardiac Bears are not just ordinary teddy bears. They are specifically designed with extra firmness to cater to the needs of heart surgery patients.
Offering a comforting companion that provides extra support to hold the patients sternal wires together while performing their deep breathing exercises and when needing to cough, sneeze and turn over in bed during recuperation from surgery. With their huggable size and softness, our Cardiac Bears provide emotional support to patients, helping them cope with the challenges of post-surgical recovery.
They are an ideal gift for patients of all ages, bringing comfort and cheer to both children and adults alike. Trust our Cardiac Bears to be a source of comfort and care for your loved ones as they embark on their journey to recovery after heart surgery.
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